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Query Portal group when issue created

flim November 27, 2023

I have two service requests, each under a different portal group. Is it possible to query which portal group was used when the issue was created? I would like to set a field with automation for issue in different portal group.

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Rudy Holtkamp
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November 27, 2023

Hi @flim 

In JQL you can do it easily by searching for 'request type', you will see the portal behind the request you are searching for. Here you see 'Get IT Help' for four different projects.


flim November 28, 2023

Thanks for reply. How do I identify the portal group if I have a request type in different groups of one project?

Rudy Holtkamp November 28, 2023

Ah, I misinterpreted your question. Don't the requests have different names? If not you can use the ids of the requests. If that is not good enough and you want to use it in automation you can use:

{{issue.Request Type.requestType.groupIds}}

This give you a list of the groupIds where this request type is used.

If you use the same request in different groups there is no way to identify if it has been created via one or the other group. (It should not matter, imho).

But if you do want to show the same request and identify them in different groups, you need to copy the request type and place each in a different group.

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flim November 28, 2023

>>If you use the same request in different groups there is no way to identify if it has been created via one or the other group.

In that case, there is no way to know the requests come from which portal group. Thank you for the answer.

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Marc Koppelaar - Devoteam
Rising Star
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November 28, 2023

Hi @flim 

You can try the following workaround.

  1. Create a "Request Group" Custom Field of type "Select List (single choice)". Create a "New Context" specific to this project, where you will manually include in the list all "group" options that already exist in your project.
  2. Include this custom field in all request types of your project
  3. Hide this Custom Field in each Request Type, already setting the desired option
  4. After that, do your searches using this Custom Field.
flim November 28, 2023

What is the meaning of create a "New Context" specific to this project? How do I find that option?

Marc Koppelaar - Devoteam
Rising Star
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November 28, 2023

Hi @flim 

Custom Field context, is a best practice to any custom field.

flim November 28, 2023
  1. Create a "Request Group" Custom Field of type "Select List (single choice)". Create a "New Context" specific to this project, where you will manually include in the list all "group" options that already exist in your project.


I am not quite understand the meaning of manually include in the list all "group" options.

Do you mean that I have to setup like this?

1. If I have two groups in portal, I create two "Request Group" custom fields

2. In each custom fields, I add the group name in context

3. Create two request type and add the custom field of different group to the request type respectively, hide the custom field


Marc Koppelaar - Devoteam
Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 29, 2023

Hi @flim 

Steps to take.

  1. Create a custom field (name it like you want), the type should be single select
  2. In the created custom field, create a context and add the options you need (you have 2 as you mentioned, portal groups)
  3. Add this custom field to the screens used by the issue types on the JSM project
  4. Add the field to the request types in each portal group
  5. Hide this field in all request types and set the desired option for the hidden field
  6. New created request will hve this field occupied with the values set
  7. You can use this field and its options in JQL now 

flim November 29, 2023

That will work if I have different request types in different portal group.
But I don't think it will work if I have only one request type assigned to different portal group? As I need to pre-select the value in the request form.

Marc Koppelaar - Devoteam
Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 29, 2023

Hi @flim 

No, then it won't work.

Then you will have to duplicate your request types.

As mentioned this is a work around, as there is no JQL for portal groups.

So it depends on how hard your requirement is to have this info, if you want to implement this work around.

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