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Project automation wildcard search for organization

Rob October 1, 2020

Hello Team

I have a "Project Automation" rule setup to assign a SLA based on Organizations. I would like to use JQL wildcard characters (*,?) to search the Orgs instead of adding a long string of Organization = "Customer 1(P)" OR Organizations = "Customer 2 (P)" OR Organizations = "Customer 3". I would like to do something like Organization = Customer* . But I get syntex errors in Project automation when I try this in various combos...what am I doing wrong ..or is this possible?

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Liam Green
Rising Star
Rising Star
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October 1, 2020

Hi Rob

I'm not sure about using wildcards, but for the above query I would use 'in' not '=', so instead of: 

Organization = "Customer 1(P)" OR Organizations = "Customer 2 (P)" OR Organizations = "Customer 3"

you would have:

Organization in ("Customer 1(P)", "Customer 2 (P)", "Customer 3")

The following article on JQL might also be of assistance.

Hope that helps,

Regards, Liam

Rob October 1, 2020

Thank you Liam..this certainly cuts down on the string and I will use this but doesn't answer my question about wild card characters in "Project Automation" 

Liam Green
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
October 1, 2020

Hi Rob

It doesn't unfortunately.

I've just noticed that I didn't include the article in my initial answer:

Hopefully that will shed some light on why the wildcard doesn't work.

Regards, Liam 

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