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Possible to rearrange the service ticket view, fields above Description?

Kara Kerkhof January 13, 2020

We've been working in the "old view" of Jira Service Desk for a while and the latest UI change has affected the day-to-day process by putting the MASS of the customer-description at the very top, rather than allowing us to have a How-to-test section above it, . Since we mostly utilize email-to-support-ticket modality, having a field above the Description enabled us to provide quick-links and basic facts about the description for quick review rather than having to scroll past the customer's sometimes lengthy email (thread!) to see the How-to-test section.

Is there a way to reorganize the view to move a field above the Description? I can see how to move everything else around, but nothing can go above the Description, it seems, in this new view.

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Meg Holbrook
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January 13, 2020

Hey @Kara Kerkhof - currently your options are limited for moving things around in the new issue view. There's no way I'm aware of to move anything above that field. 

The best advice I can give is to give as much feedback as you can on the surveys you see that pop up around the site occasionally. Another place you can submit feedback is to visit to provide feedback on various topics including those for the new issue view. 

Here's a link to a search of 'new issue view' topics that you may like to read through and provide feedback on.

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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January 13, 2020

i'm still playing with/learning the new issue view. it continues to change (for the better IMO). Here is one recent snapshot I create while experimenting. Basically, you can add multi-line fields to the LH side and if you do you can place them above the Description. But only multi-line fields at least in my early experimentation.

new issue view.jpg

Kara Kerkhof January 13, 2020


Thanks for your reply! I LOVE the new issue views both in Jira Software and in Service Desk - however, this ONE hiccup is causing an uproar/slow down in productivity for my team. 

This is currently how I have it configured:


And this is how it displays, we desperately need the How to Test section to appear ABOVE the customer's request so infinitely less scrolling is required due to email support submissions (our volume of portal requests is super low).


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