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Pop-up window appears in Kanban Board

Gregory Kremer September 29, 2022

Hi everybody,

I am new to my current organization. While playing with one of the Kanban boards, I've noticed something I haven't seen before. In the active sprint, when I move a Subtask of a User Story to the Done column, a pop up window appears with 2 radio buttons - Done and Rejected - that user needs to click to close or reject a parent User StoryScreen Shot.jpg

This doesn't happen when I change Subtask's status to Done in issue itself. I couldn't find anything in the Workflow Post Function for this issue type either. So it's something related to the Kanban board (just a guess) that prompts this pop-up to appear. I'd greatly appreciate your assistance in finding where this window is coming from.

Also, is there a way to make Done button appear on top of the screen as a Default?

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Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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September 29, 2022

@Gregory Kremer -

Interesting.  It looks like your env may have installed a third party add-on which gives you the functionality (pop-up window asking you to close out the parent issue).  You may want to reach out to your system admin to determine if there were any new add-on installed or not.

This type of functionality is not out of the box as far I know of.  You can also contact Atlassian Support ( to see if this is a new feature that they just released in the CLOUD env or not.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Infrastructure Applications Team

Viasat Inc.

Gregory Kremer September 29, 2022

@Joseph Chung Yin I am JIRA administrator, and I don't see any add-ons that would produce such a thing.

Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 29, 2022

@Gregory Kremer -

I would contact Atlassian Support for additional assistance.  I just conducted a test in our env, and I was able to repo your observation.  It looks like it is something provided by Atlassian.  

As per my further research, there is an outstanding enhancement request to provide admins with an option to disable that functionality -

Best, Joseph

Gregory Kremer September 29, 2022

@Joseph Chung Yin

Thank you so much for investigating it. It is very interesting that the messages on our systems are different in content. Does that mean that they are customizable? If yes, where? In any case, I have contacted Atlassian tech support. Hopefully they would be able to answer my question. I'll post my findings here.

Does any one from Atlassian monitor this site? If yes, please reply to this question. I am sure that the Community will appreciate it.

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