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Permission to transition issue

bartlomiej_jochym November 23, 2023


I would like to modify permissions for editing/transitioning issues for the Developer or Service Desk Team roles (as shown in picture 1). When I log in using my Agent account, I have the ability to do so (as shown in picture 2 and 3), but my friend cannot. My questions are:

  1. Can a basic user transition issues, or is this action limited to agents only?

  2. If a basic user can perform this action, could you guide me on how to adjust the settings?

Thank you!



per.pngScreenshot 2023-11-23 at 15.52.52.png

Screenshot 2023-11-23 at 15.54.14.png




2 answers

0 votes
Bastien Delourmel November 23, 2023

Hi @bartlomiej_jochym , 


In the transition of your workflow you might have a condition that only allows a user/a group/a role to transition this ticket.

If you have Jira Admin permission (editing workflow, create custom fields etc), from your project go to:

- Project settings > Workflows > Edit the workflow you want to fix (with the pen icon) > Select the transition(s) that need to be open to other users > Click on Condition > Edit/Delete the condition set

You can also provide a screenshot of the condition and we can work that together, depending on your needs.


2 - Copy.png3.png4.png

0 votes
Adam Rypel _MoroSystems_
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November 23, 2023

Hello @bartlomiej_jochym ,

  1. Only agent can transition issues, basic user cannot
  2. Every JSM issue has its equivalent request on customer portal. You could make the transition visible on a customer portal, so the user could transition the ticket there. But Im not sure if that is what you want

If you eventually need assistance on setting up the transition to be visible on portal, you can set it up in the workflow, here's the guide:


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