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Permission Issue in giving Access

Spartans October 5, 2023

Hi Team,

Actually we have a new issue forming up and tried some solutions, buts not getting success.


We have created a Project in JSM and created some request types for Customer Portal and set it for the users to fill the form and it creates issue.

1. If a customer can create a form, he can see the Sign Up as a User and he can see the Portal 
2. As we are users, we can add groups and we can see, access, create and submit the forms .
3. We want our other project user to create or see the page, but there are able to see or view the portal page, it is showing some access blocked,
We wanted that user to be customer, So we did added the group as a customer in Project Settings --> People --> that group Name. But that to gets restricted. 

We made the customer Portal open for all the customers to access and create issue.
and it works for all users. But blocks to other projects users. 

How to resolve this issue ?
How to give permission for other project users for signing up without blocking access ?

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Stephen Wright _Elabor8_
Community Leader
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October 6, 2023

Hi @Spartans 

Quite a lot of detail here - can I clarify...

  • You are an Agent (or licensed user) - and can see the portal
  • You have unlicensed users who cannot see the portal - but the users do have Atlassian Accounts?
  • You have tried...
    • Adding the Group as a Customer (under a Project Role?)
    • Opening up the portal to be public
  • ...but with no success this correct?


I'd ensure you've tried instructions from the following help pages as a first step...

^ If none of these settings work - let us know how you have configured your project, site, and user permissions


Spartans October 12, 2023

But it shows the Projects.
How to hide other projects if they are not a user in the group or in the project?
@Stephen Wright _Elabor8_ 

Stephen Wright _Elabor8_
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 14, 2023

Hi @Spartans 

Apologies, I'm not sure what you're trying to do here - what is the specific thing you're looking to achieve?


Spartans October 15, 2023

For Example,

If I have like 5 projects and I need the users in the project only to see their project and other project should be hided.

What  are all the permission to update and it hides the other project ? @Stephen Wright _Elabor8_ 

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