Perl JIRA::REST API gets stopped working

PaulS January 26, 2024

This was working about a month ago but now it returns two errors...


JIRA::REST Error[500 - Internal Server Error]:

Can't connect to


Code is Perl running from cgi script. Here's the relevant code...


$jira = JIRA::REST->new({
url => $strURL,
username => $strJiraUser,
password => $strJiraPW

my $bug = $jira->GET("/issue/$intBugID");


It's the GET that fails. I've tried resetting the password, also tried using an API token instead of the account pw, also tried Base64 encoding of the acc/pw. No luck.

I can run similar query from the cmd line using curl, e.g. this works...

curl -k --request GET --url '' --header 'Accept:application/json' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --user '<Token...>'

But fails from the cgi script.

Jira is cloud version.

Anyone else run into this with JIRA::REST?

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PaulS January 26, 2024

Ok, think I resolved this, as it now works. Here are the changes I made in case someone else runs into this...

1. Updated JIRA::REST module .019 to .024 then...
2. Changed the password to use API token instead
3. Added ssl_verify_none option...

$jira = JIRA::REST->new({
    url => $strURL,
    username => $strJiraUser,
    password => $strJiraPW, # API Token
    ssl_verify_none => 1 # ssl option

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