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Notifications when creating tickets

Daniel Vansnickt January 11, 2023

Hello everyone,

I have added myself as an individual user in the "notifications" section of the project settings (Default Notification Scheme) and I used to receive regular emails when a ticket was created.

However, for some time now I have not received any notifications.
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance!


2 answers

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Daniel Vansnickt January 12, 2023

Good evening,

SPAM folder checked.
I have not disabled my notifications in my personal settings 
The tickets are mainly created by other people, hence the need for me to receive an alert.
If "You make changes to the issue" is ticked ON, I get emails, but still not when other people create tickets.
The Email Notifications field for issue activity is set to "Send me email notifications".

0 votes
Ste Wright
Community Leader
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January 11, 2023

Hi @Daniel Vansnickt 

Basic questions first:

  1. Have you checked your Spam folder?
  2. Are you creating the Issues, or are other people creating them?
  3. Have you turned off your notifications in your personal settings?

For (2) and (3), you need to ensure the relevant personal settings are applied correctly

To check this:

  1. Go to Settings > Personal Jira Settings
  2. For (2) above, under Get email updates for issue activity when - ensure "You make changes to the Issue" is ticked to ON
  3. For (3) above, check the Email Notifications for Issue Activity field is set to "Send me email notifications"

Let us know what you find!


Daniel Vansnickt January 12, 2023

Good evening,

SPAM folder checked.
I have not disabled your notifications in my personal settings 
The tickets are mainly created by other people, hence the need for me to receive an alert.
If "You make changes to the issue" is ticked ON, I get emails, but still not when other people create tickets.
The Email Notifications field for issue activity is set to "Send me email notifications".

Ste Wright
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
January 12, 2023

Hi @Daniel Vansnickt 

Do Notifications work for others users?


Daniel Vansnickt January 12, 2023


This morning, two tickets were created by two users, but I did not receive any notification mail.

Ste Wright
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
January 12, 2023

But do other users receive Notifications, based on whatever other notifications are sent?


Daniel Vansnickt January 17, 2023


We tested by adding one of my colleagues to the "Default Notifications Scheme".

SNAG- 9.42.44.jpg

The problem is the same for her: she receives some notifications, but not for all the tickets created. We don't see why some tickets are notified by email and others are not.

Daniel Vansnickt January 17, 2023


There seems to be a problem with the "rapporteur" rule: 

SNAG- 9.50.17.jpg

Ste Wright
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
January 17, 2023

Hi @Daniel Vansnickt 

Because it seems intermittent, I'd recommend contacting Atlassian directly so they can help in relation to your specific instance :)

You can contact them here:


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