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Notification sent from automated rule not formatted correctly

Desislava Prodanova
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June 25, 2024

We have an automation rule that sends an email notification when a customer opens a ticket through sending an email. The email notification is configured to send as HTML. However, when received, the email body shows all the formatting information such as 






{color:#666666}XXX XXX XXX{color}
<![if !supportLineBreakNewLine]>


How can we configure the notification, so the text is shown as HTML and displays correctly?

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Rachel Wright
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June 29, 2024

Hi @Desislava Prodanova is it possible that you have some rich text in your automation rule? The Jira Service Management customer notification messages are formatted with rich text, but the automation notification messages are formatted with HTML. I frequently mix this up. :)


For JSM customer notification messages accessed at Project settings > customer notifications, use:

  • {color:#666666}XXX XXX XXX{color}

For JSM automation emails accessed at Project settings > automations, use:

  • <span style="color: #666666;">XXX XXX XXX</span>

If this isn't the problem, could you please provide us with a screenshot of what you're seeing?

Thanks and have a great day,

Rachel Wright
Author, Jira Strategy Admin Workbook

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