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Notification of new issue not being sent when the issue is created by automation in another project

Justin Ostafew January 5, 2024

Hello everyone, our environment has two projects, and occasionally we need to move an issue from one project to the other. I've created a manually triggered automation in one project that does the following:

  • Adds a comment to the original issue indicating that it's been transferred
  • Sends an email notification to the user indicating that it's been transferred away from the first project
  • Creates a new issue in the other project, copying certain fields and including text in the new issue's description that it's been transferred in along with reference to the original issue
  • Sets the Request Type for the new issue
  • Sets the original issue resolution to "Transferred"
  • Transitions the original issue to Done/Resolved

That all works great, but the problem I'm running into is that customers are not being notified of the newly created issue in the other project. From that project if I manually create an issue the notification happens as expected, but nothing when it's created via the automation. 

From what I've read, JSM treats an issue created from another project as something different than an issue created from within the project so an automation based on issue creation won't ever trigger, even when the scope of the automation includes both projects.

I'd love some suggestions on how I can get an email out to the reporter informing them of the new issue key etc. from the second project. Thanks in advance

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Justin Ostafew January 8, 2024

For anyone else running into this problem there's a check-box at the bottom of the Rule Details pane "Check to allow other rule actions to trigger this rule..." This was the problem. It took more reading of similar issues and someone's enlarged screenshot to bring this option to my attention, and after setting it the rule behaved as expected.

I've attached a screenshot

Screenshot 2024-01-08 144312.png

Dave Liao
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January 8, 2024

@Justin Ostafew - yay, glad you figured it out! That was going to be my next suggestion - it's a useful checkbox to leave UN-checked if you want to avoid a spiral of neverending issue creation in two projects. 🤣

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Dave Liao
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January 5, 2024

@Justin Ostafew - hi Justin! 👋

1. Does the customer have access to the destination project? If they can't browse the issues in that project, they won't get notified.

2. Have you tried making a separate Automation rule (either in the destination project, or a global one whose scope includes the destination project) that Triggers on Issue Creation that would then have an Action to notify the customer (email, whatever)?

I imagine you would want a Condition to trigger specifically for issues created from the source project.

Justin Ostafew January 8, 2024

Hello Dave, thank you for the reply.

1. Yes, I've confirmed that the test account has access to the destination portal and can generate a new ticket (issue) in that project. When generating an issue that way the customer is notified via email as expected.

2. Yes this is what I've been trying. I've got an automation rule in the destination project (also tried a global one that includes both projects in scope) that triggers on the event "Issue created". For troubleshooting I've really dumbed it down: When a new issue is created, send an email to my email address. Verified that it works when I manually create an issue in the destination project, as well as creating an issue as a customer from the destination project's portal.

If I can just get the rule in the destination project to recognize that an issue has been created I'll work on filtering for only the events that I want, but it just doesn't "see" those new issues being created for some reason.

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