Notification from "Automation for Jira" on Webgui

Deleted user August 18, 2021


we work with "Automation for Jira". That relieves us of a lot of work.

Since the automations close tickets themselves, we are currently receiving three notifications per ticket. there is a lot going on.

How can I reduce these messages to one or deactivate them in Jira?

The only important thing is to deactivate the Jira automations.


We also get a lot of emails through these automations, how can I change that?

Thanks in advance!

jira auto.pngjira auto2.png

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Callum Carlile _Automation Consultants_
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August 18, 2021

Hi @[deleted] 

There may be a few changes you can make to reduce the emails received:

  • Check your project's notification scheme. These can be quite noisy if there are lots of issues in your project which are constantly being updated. In this scheme, you can remove the notifications sent out for issue events.
  • Users also may receive personal emails. If you click on your personal avatar at the top right then Personal Settings, you can disable certain personal emails which are sent for a handful of issue events (e.g. you are mentioned in a comment). These changes would only affect the user who makes them.
  • If any of your automation rules are sending out emails, have a think about the trigger for these emails - if an email is already being sent for the particular issue operation (e.g. via the notification scheme) then you might be able to remove these emails beign sent from your automation rules.

Hope this helps!

Deleted user August 18, 2021

Hello Callum Carlile,

I have to check with the mails tomorrow, found a tip in the forum.

The problem I still have now concerns the screenshot.

Whenever automation is doing tasks, I get notifications in Jira itself. Is there a possibility that the messages won't appear at all?


jira auto.png

Callum Carlile _Automation Consultants_
Community Leader
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August 18, 2021

@[deleted] Ah I understand now, you're referring to the in-built notifications within Jira. I don't believe there is a way to change these - you will receive notifications when any change is made to an issue you are the reporter or assignee on, as well as anything that you are watching (in the second tab of your notifications).

I see from your automation rule that you transition to 3 different statuses in a row - and then each time you will receive a notification for this, as they are 3 separate actions. You could add a global transition to the Geschlossen (Closed) status and then transition directly to here, so this way you would reduce the number of notifications you receive. You could always hide this global transition on the workflow if you wanted to only access it via the automation rule

Deleted user August 23, 2021

Thank you for your help.

I have the statuses from 3 to 1, so I now only get 1 - 2 notifications. Once for the transfer and one for closed.

Still not great, but better than before.

thanks for your tip!

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