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No invite email being sent after adding customer to Project via API.

Deleted user March 13, 2022

I have an integration setup which utilizes the API route /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/customer to add a user to one of my Projects. It accomplishes that fine, but it does not send the user a notification that they have been invited.

Is this intended functionality that invite emails are only sent when adding customers to a project via GUI? Or is this something yet to be implemented or a problem on my end?

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Kai Becker
Community Leader
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March 14, 2022

Hi @[deleted] ,

I'm not fully aware of what you are trying to achieve, but I think there might be a misunderstanding. 
The REST endpoint you mentioned (besides that it is experimental) only adds existing customers to a JSM project, so that they can create requests. As fas as I know, an invitation mail is only sent out, when the customer is initially created and not, when is being added to another project. 

Maybe you could explain the use case a little bit more?

Deleted user March 14, 2022

Thanks @Kai Becker 

The main goal of my integration is to create a customer with access to my service desk and notify them about it.

So first I create the customer with /rest/servicedeskapi/customer but no notification. So then I thought, maybe they need to be added directly to a Service Project (/rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/customer) in order to get an email invite.

The reason I thought the second route would trigger an invite email is that a customer gets that invite email if I give them access to my service project directly via GUI. But, as stated above, via REST, they do not. I'm wondering if this is intentional, or if it is simply an oversight or not implemented since the route is experimental as you say.


Kai Becker
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March 14, 2022

Hi @[deleted] ,

I just scrolled through the API documentation. It's noted, that no invitation mail is sent :(

I then thought it might be a solution to create customers via automation, as this could also be triggered via webhook:

Screenshot 2022-03-14 at 22.07.26.png


curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"username":"testcustomer", "email":""}'

But notifications are not sent there either. There is an open request for this:

The only workaround would be to trigger an extra email after user creation. This way, they will get an info about their created account, but they won't be able to login, as there is no password set. So they need to go through the password reset process after that.

This seems really inconvenient :(

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Deleted user March 14, 2022

Ah, that's an unfortunate answer...

But thank you @Kai Becker for digging into it and pointing me to that open request. At least I can add my vote.

Joe Petrantoni
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April 2, 2024

@Kai Becker Any update on this? Its causing me issues in automating customer onboarding. 

Kai Becker
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April 2, 2024

@Joe Petrantoni as I'm not working for Atlassian I don't have any "internal" news.
But as you can see in it is still gathering interest and there is no ETA given.

I would recommend to try the workaround, even though it is somehow inconvenient.

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Joe Petrantoni
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April 2, 2024

@Kai Becker Thank you for your response! I just seen your workaround and it works thanks

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