New to Jira : how to display fields from linked tickets on another board on my ticket

madhvee jain
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January 31, 2025

I am new to Jira and trying to solve a complicated issue. I have a board say SIT with hundreds of tickets. Some of the SIT tickets are linked to tickets on another board. I want to be able to see all my tickets info and if linked to tickets on another board, specific fields associated with linked tickets in a tabular format (think excel) Here's the example:

Here is example. I have ticket spi-123 on board spi linked to ticket spm-234 using link type "followed by" on board spm and ticket psi-234 on board psi using link type "dependenton". The row for the ticket spi-123 should show fields for ticket spi-123 (description, summary etc) , status and pi field values associated with spm-234 as columns  and status1 and pi1 field values associated with ticket psi-234  as columns in a single row. can this be done and how? can someone provide me with steps. Thank you

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Walter Buggenhout
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February 1, 2025

Hi @madhvee jain and welcome to the Community!

If a Jira issue has linked issues, when you open the issue view of that issue will - out of the box - display a table with (more or less) the information you mention, as you can see in this example:

Screenshot 2025-02-01 at 10.14.35.png

(you can see the link type, linked issue key, summary, priority, assignee and status).

When you look at the board view in a project (with all issues as cards in a single view), you can customise the card view to display up to 3 additional fields. Linked issues is a fields you can add, but it will only display the issue key(s) of linked issues without any additional information.

Similarly, in certain dashboards you can also display the linked issues field, but it won't show you the details. But even then, the linked issues are clickable links that can take you to the details of those issues with one click.

Hope this helps!

madhvee jain
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February 3, 2025

Thank you @Walter Buggenhout . This is what I am trying to do and open to using automation / dashboard feature etc if someone can guide me. I have a spreadsheet of data like shown below. I am trying to create a jira board to manage these tickets in jira. I have been able to create the tickets on my board SPI. SPI tickets are linked to SPM and PSI tickets. The feature PI and status is driven by custom fields on SPM board and integration PI and integration status is driven by custom fields on PSI board. 

How can I create a board that somehow shows all the field values associated with the custom fields of linked tickets in the same view....similar to my excel spreadsheet.
Thank you so much

Category Title Descriptionfeature Linkfeature PIfeature StatusIntegration LinkIntegration PIIntegration Status
ACCOUNTlist sharinglist sharing descSPM-118BACKLOGPSI-120BACKLOG
USERuser managementuser permissionSPM-217DONEPSI-220BACKLOG
MOBILE APP app managementapp management descSPM-320DONEPSI-320BACKLOG

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