New customers unable to raise requests via email

Nick Read
June 6, 2024

Emails from new customers are not being received and showing as FAILED in the email logs with the description "You don't have permission to access this service project."

I'm confused because a) this has only recently started to happen and b) my Portal Access settings are set to "allow customers to create their own accounts by signing up or sending an email request".

I would have thought with this setting selected there would be no emails rejected with a permissions related error.

Can anyone identify what I'm doing wrong?


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John Funk
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June 6, 2024

Hi Nick,

Are the users in the Customer project role on the project? 

Nick Read
June 10, 2024

Hi John,

They're not yet, no*. They're members of my organisation, but haven't previously interacted with my project.

Based on my portal access settings I would expect them sending an email to create a customer profile for them, and therefore JSM not reject / FAIL the email.


(*my original use of the term 'customers' was unclear, sorry!!! I meant in a business sense rather than a JSM permissions sense)

John Funk
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June 10, 2024

Try adding them to the Service Desk Customer project role an see if that solves it. 

Nick Read
July 5, 2024

I'm sure it will solve it John, but I don't want to have to manually add them. My Portal Access settings are set to "allow customers to create their own accounts by signing up or sending an email request", which as far as I understand should mean I don't need to do any manual adding.


John Funk
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July 6, 2024

Yep, that's true. So, have you set the project access to Open? Go to Project Settings > Customer permissions. 

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