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Need to remove Summary field from customer portal form

Vysakh TK September 27, 2022

We need to remove Summary filed from particular Jira customer portal form.

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Rilwan Ahmed
Community Leader
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September 27, 2022

hi @Vysakh TK ,

Welcome to the community !!

Summary is a required field in jira to create any tickets. Only option you have is to hide it from customer portal, but you need to have a preset value. i.e. When you set a preset value, any tickets created with the request type, it will have same summary. 

To hide, go to project settings --> Request type 

Click on the required request type and then expand the summary field. At the end, you can find "Use preset value and Hide this field" check box. Select it and add the default text. 


Vysakh TK September 27, 2022

I have done the above mentioned steps, but while click on save changes below error message is coming. 


      Couldn't Save your changes.

Sorry something went wrong and we couldn't 

update your "Request  For AWS  Access" request type.

Try again.

Rilwan Ahmed
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 27, 2022

Hi @Vysakh TK ,

Please log out from your jira, login again and try.

If still there are errors, please share screenshot of the summary field and the error message screen fully. 

Please note: When you click hide and set a preset value, the summary field should be hidden.


Vysakh TK September 27, 2022

Hi @Rilwan Ahmed Do I need to enter anything below that default text.( You mentioned there service request)

Vysakh TK September 27, 2022

I have logout my account and login again and check the same, But I'm getting the same error.Jira Error3.png

Vysakh TK September 27, 2022

@Rilwan Ahmed , In below of the check box I have got a error message.Jira Error 5.png

Rilwan Ahmed
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 27, 2022

Yes. You should fill the default text

When you set a preset value, any tickets created with the request type, it will have same Summary. Summary is a required field in jira to create any tickets 

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Vysakh TK September 27, 2022

Hi @Rilwan Ahmed Thanks for the solution, Now I can able to hide Summary form from my request form.

Rilwan Ahmed
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 27, 2022

Hi @Vysakh TK 
Please accept the answer so that users with similar query finds it useful 

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