Need help filtering by a field that is present in two different issue types

mark zermeno May 28, 2024


I have the field 'Priority Level' in the issue types 'Requirement' and 'Feature' in my JIRA project. What i would like to do is compare the values of 'Priority Level' in both issue types.

For instance, if the 'Priority Level' in the 'Requirement' is different from the 'Priority Level' in the 'Feature' i would like to see only those issues.



2 answers

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John Funk
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May 30, 2024

Hi Mark,

Do those fields have the exact same options for them? Are the options named exactly the same? 

0 votes
Tankem Williams
May 28, 2024

Hello Mark,
Thank you for your request through the community. A comparison of this nature is not possible because JQL itself does not support direct comparison between fields of different issue types within a single query. However, there is a possible workaround,

  1. Export 'Requirement' issues with their 'Priority Level' to a CSV file with the JQL
    issuetype = Requirement AND "Priority Level" is not EMPTY
  2. Export 'Requirement' issues with their 'Priority Level' to a CSV file with the JQL
    issuetype = Feature AND "Priority Level" is not EMPTY
  3. Now with both issues on the same Excel sheet, you can add a filter to pull out those Priority levels that are different from both issue types.

I hope this helps.

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