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Multiple conditions in Forms

Caroline Osten March 8, 2023

Hi all,

I'm currently creating a new form and want to add conditional sections. It becomes more clear with an example:

- the first question has 4 answers (A, B, C, D)

- based on answers B, C, D, multiple other questions shall appear

- based on answer A, a question other than the ones for B, C, D appears (A.1, A.2) before the other question shall appear

--> based on A.1, a text appears, the form ends here 

--> based on A.2, the rest of the form (same as for answers B, C, D) shall appear


I added a conditional section after the question for answer A, saying that the rest of the questions shall appear if A.2 is chosen. In that case, these question don't appear anymore when B, C or D is chosen. 

I added a conditional section saying that the rest of the question shall appear if B, C, D is chosen; in that case, those questions don't appear anymore if A / A.2 is chosen. 

I also tried to add those two sections and tried out different orders; however, they seem to contradict each other. 


So my question is: how can I manage to show the rest of the form both when B, C, D and A.2 is chosen? My only solution is to always show all other questions, regardless of answer A, B, C or D.


Thanks in advance.

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John Funk
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March 8, 2023

Hi Caroline - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

I assume that B, C, D have nothing to do with the answer of A.2 - you just want it to appear after that. Correct? 

If so, add your section after A.2 and have it be conditional for B, C, or D values. 

I doubt I am completely following, but hopefully so. 

Caroline Osten March 8, 2023

Hi John,

thanks for welcoming me and for answering my question! 

Unfortunately, that wouldn't work. But I guess I didn't explain it well enough.

I'm building an approval request form; the first question is about what the user is requesting: A, B, C or D. If he wants to request A, he can only go on with the approval request if it's A.2, i.e. then he needs to go on answering the next questions he also has to answer if he wants to request B, C or D. If it's A.1, he cannot go on as there's nothing to request in this case. So all questions are based on whether he asks for A.1 or A.2. 

I hope this is more clear.

John Funk
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March 8, 2023

Not sure that I follow why you are asking for A, B, C, and D all at once if the B, C, and D are dependent on A. 

I think I would ask if they want A first. If yes, then move on to A.1 and A.2.

Then based on A.2 ask about B, C, D

Would that work? 

Caroline Osten March 8, 2023

It wouldn't entirely, but your answer helped me come up with another, similar solution - I take it that a section cannot use conditions based on more than one question so I'll try to come up with another structure of my questions.

Thank you!

John Funk
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March 8, 2023

Correct - the section can only be based on one question. Glad you found a work around. 

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Barry Ozer
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March 16, 2023

@Caroline Osten If your company is willing to pay for an Atlassian Marketplace solution, check out Deviniti's Extensions for Jira Service Desk. It allows multiple conditions per field and is my favorite dynamic form builder. No sections needed for conditional formatting and the form builder is overall way more intuitive with more features.

Caroline Osten March 20, 2023

Hey Barry, thanks a lot for this suggestion; it looks very promising, 

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