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Move data from Trial Cloud to Paid Cloud

Kay Kalunga Kabwe October 4, 2021

Is it possible to migrate Data from a Trial Cloud( that's expired to my paid for Site (

2 answers

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Laura Holton _ACE Rotterdam_
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October 4, 2021

Hi @Kay Kalunga Kabwe ðŸ‘‹

Welcome to the Community! It's a great question and one I would suggest you pitch to the Atlassian Support team as they should be able to provide more guidance around the expired trial and migrating it to your site. You can raise a support ticket here.

I hope this helps but if you have any other questions just ask 😃

All the best,


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Dirk Ronsmans
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October 4, 2021

@Kay Kalunga Kabwe ,

Are you looking to move everything over or just specific projects/configurations? Cause that would be a huge difference.

If it's all you can do a backup of one and restore it on the other.

If you need specific parts then you'll have to look towards an app like Project Configurator to move specific pieces over.

Kay Kalunga Kabwe October 4, 2021

@Dirk Ronsmans Am pretty much looking at migrating everything. I can not access the trial site at the moment, trial period expired. I would like to have work there moved to the site that paid for.

Dirk Ronsmans
Community Leader
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October 4, 2021

@Kay Kalunga Kabwe since you have a paid instance I would log a ticket with support under that product (at )

If your old site is under the same name/owner Atlassian should still be able to access it and hopefully restore that one to your new paid one.

If you no longer have access yourself I'm afraid you'll have to contact them directly.

Since you have paid for another site and the issue is related to that I would think they can assist you.

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