I'm looking for a way to see month-to-month reporting on number of tickets processed by our Team, possibly using the two-dimensional filter statistics: eg:
X-Axis: Month (eg: Jan-22, Feb-22, Mar-22 etc ....). and
Y-Axis: Assigneee (Team Member)
Although our tickets auto record dates (eg: created date, resolved date etc ...), there doesn't seem to be any functionality to group dates within reporting.
I've been playing with adding an additional field to the tickets, to record the month, but that adds another touchpoint for our team
Any advice/suggestions would be great thank you 🙏🏻
Hi @Meryl Orne-Gliemann ,
If you're app for a commercial app, we are behind Dashboard Hub for Jira. You can create powerful custom charts in case you need to query JQL and give your own visual metaphor. Like in the following example, where I'm creating a grouped bar chart with all the resolved issues by agent by quarter. You can customized the colors, order, hide agents...
And of course you can have a single dashboard for all your reporting needs, it provides ~70 gadgets/metrics ready to go, integrations with 10 different products, ability to share externally the reports, templates for your dashboards... Here you can see three different examples: Agile Team dashboard, ITSM dashboard, DevOps dashboard
Hope this helps!
Did anyone implemented the solution for having a dedicated field to capture a month by an automation?
1. What values for month/year did you use so the two dimensional chart will sort months correctly?
2. How did you implement the automation to populate this Month field?
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@Marina Laysha I don't think anyone achieved that with built-in functionality for the two dimensional chart, as it does not support Date fields. I tried it several times without success.
You can create a custom label field (or select list field, but instead of filling it in with automation you will need to match it's values with dates parsed from the issue) and fill it with data through an automation rule that activates when an issue moves from one status to another (e.g., from any status to "Done" or "Resolved"), setting the custom field's value to something like {{issue.updated.format("MMM-yyyy")}} or {{issue.updated.format("MMM")}}.
The problem with this approach is that sorting months in a two-dimensional chart won't arrange the labels chronologically, as it sorts alphabetically ("natural") or by count ("total"). A workaround is to modify automation rule with adding numeric prefixes to your "dates", resulting in labels like "1_Jan", "2_Feb", "3_Mar"... "9_Sep", "a_Oct", "b_Nov", etc. This method is not ideal, but it's the only one I know. Additionally, you would need to create filters for different years to prevent data from previous years from mixing with the current year's data.
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I'm also looking for ways to create a similar two-dimensional report: a count of issues per month broken down by the issue category.
Disappointing that this doesn't exist out of the box and requires an external plugin.
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Hi Meryl,
We released a beta free app that delivers just that. You can try out the app here and looking forward to your feedback to help us improve the app. Support Dashboards and Reports for JSM.
The report you are looking for is called the "Agent workload" report in our app. Hope that helps.
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Welcome to the Atlassian Community!
You can try Reports - Charts and Graphs for Jira app developed by our team to create various reports, charts and graphs for your Jira projects.
Below you can see an article about creating custom reports, charts and graphs in Jira with our app.
How to Create Custom and Flexible Reports, Charts and Graphs in Jira
Here is our live demo dashboard where you can see and modify sample reports and play with them.
Hope it helps.
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Welcome to the Atlassian Community!
You are right to be reaching for a new field for this. Jira does not have any functions for grouping any of its recorded dates together..
Of course, I would script it, rather than use a field and ask people to enter it. A script or automation could easily populate a select list field with jan-22 feb-22 mar-22 etc when the issue is created or edited (and you could leave it off the view and edit screens so that humans can't mess with it and don't have to think about it)
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Hi @Nic Brough -Adaptavist- As a support team using JIRA Reporting Dashboards, this feature requested by the OP is highly essential for us. Disappointing that JIRA does not already have this in place for it's reporting. It would be very helpful if this grouping of dates is made available. Is there already a ticket for this request? Please let me know. Thanks,
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I forgot to add- hoping that this can be done using one single dashboard for all our reporting needs
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