Modifying Customer's View of Requests Submitted

Nihar Sharma
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March 22, 2024

Hello - I'm using Jira Cloud and wanted to get some help regarding possibility of changing columns a customer views on their own personal portal? 

We'd like to add columns such as - "created date" which are standard and some custom fields that our team has added to the form. 

Any support would be much appreciated! 


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Elitsa Velikova _Nemetschek Bulgaria_
Atlassian Partner
March 25, 2024

Hi @Nihar Sharma ,

The standard issue search is quite limited.

If you are open to using addons, you can check our app Advanced Portal Reports.  It provides your customers on the portal with an extended search - a table report where they can see, search, filter and export all their Jira Service Management tickets, including any custom field and many additional details (like labels, SLAs, custom fields, etc.), with a very simple UI.

If it sounds helpful you can try it free for 30 days.



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Ste Wright
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March 22, 2024

Hi @Nihar Sharma 

You need to activate those fields, to allow them to be selected.

To do this, you'll need to be a Jira Product Admin, and then...

  1. Go to your Help Portal
  2. Open up the Requests list
  3. On the the right-hand side, select Customize
  4. Select additional fields which can be shown in the request list, then press Select changes

You can then use (...) > Manage columns to add these fields as columns

Fields available include: Type, Reference, Summary, Status, Service project, Requester, Created date, Updated date, Due date, Assignee


Other fields aren't available natively, but there are feature requests for this you can vote for - such as...

Or, you could try an App to see if they meet your needs? Check out Apps such as...


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Dan Breyen
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March 22, 2024

Hi @Nihar Sharma welcome to the community.  Customers can customize their 'Requests' list by clicking the three dots in the upper right corner of their request list.  They're limited to the fields that are available, but they can add 'Created Date'.  With the out of the box software, you don't have access to custom fields.  There's a ticket on Atlassian's Jira site to add more fields.


Feel free to vote for and watch it for updates.

Nihar Sharma
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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March 22, 2024

Thanks Dan for the response! When I click on the button on top right and hit manage columns (step 1), it expands box with column names. However, I'm unable to find any additional fields using the drodown arrow (step 2) or type in the columns name manually (step 3).  Would our administrator need to enable something in back-end to allow more out of the box columns to be added? 



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