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Max number of attachments capped at 4 for Jira Service Desk email intake?

Jason Huntowski September 4, 2020

We recently setup a new service desk cloud project and we started having issues with requests not being received by the service desk. We did some trouble shooting on total attachment size, individual attachment size and total number of attachments and it seems the only issue we could find is that when a customer request is emailed into the system, they can't add more than 4 attachments? We also have images in our companies signature lines, which auto-convert to an attachment so really, we can't add more than 3 attachments. We can zip the files up and that works, but why the restriction? Does anyone know if this can be changed on a cloud instance? Also, why doesn't it log an error in the log files? I would expect a failure notice with a "too many attachments" descriptor. Or better yet, let the request come in and warn on the ticket that the total number of attachments were exceeded and some were dropped.

Has anyone else had this issue or have a work around? Or am I looking at a bug?



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Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 7, 2020

Hello @Jason Huntowski

Thank you for reaching out.

I can confirm that I was not able to reproduce your issue on my personal Jira Service desk Cloud site by creating an issue through email including 8 attachments (.JPEG, added through a test portal customer). In fact, I believe you are being impacted by a different limitation/issue.

Please, provide us with the information below so we can better troubleshoot your issue:

  1. As you can see in this reportemails with attachments larger than 25MB will not be pulled by the Jira Service Desk Global Puller scheduler job, not creating the issue. Can you confirm if you added any attachments that exceeded that size?
  2. Can you confirm if you configured a custom IMAP email inbox in your Service desk project? It's possible that you are facing the bug below:
    Emails with Large Size Attachments (2MB) Fail To Generate Ticket in IMAP Mailbox 
  3.  Can you confirm if the total size of your issue attachments does not exceed the size allowed under Settings > System > Attachments?
  4. Can you provide us with the extension of the added attachments (.JPEG, .MP4, etc)?

Let us know if you have any questions.

Jason Huntowski September 8, 2020

Hi Petter,

Thank you for your response. I have answered your questions below by number.

1) There were 4 attachments, plus the image in my signature line was changed from an image to an attachment during the process totaling 5 attachments. The sizes were 8 mb, 8 mb, 2 mb, 2 mb, 345 k and the signature image I think comes out to 50 k or something insignificant.

2) I did not setup a custom email config or IMAP for this. I am using the JSD generated email for my project. To my experience, I am not sure you can alter that to be an IMAP. If you can, let me know, but I checked the mailbox settings out and there doesn't seem to be anything that allows me to change anything about it. It's just default.

3) Referencing #1, the total files attachment size is under 25 mb. The SD in settings is set to 1 GB or 1024 mb's.

4) The extensions were jpg, jpg, pdf, pdf and xlsx

I tried duplicating the issue by testing around sending each attachment by itself, just to rule out a corrupt file. Then I went through and added each attachment consecutively per ticket (started with one, then added a second, then a third etc) and I was able to get 3 attachments added, plus the signature line. But at some point, I was successful in getting each attachment to be part of a ticket. I just can't seem to get all 4 plus the signature line. I also had 2 other members of my team try it.

I think my biggest issue with this, outside of not getting this ticket, is that it doesn't even register on the logs. That seems incredibly dangerous if I am a customer who is making maoney off the tickets getting logged. Why wouldn't it register in the log with an error of "Attachment Size Exceeded" or something. Or better yet, strip the attachments and still log the ticket. It is just so nonchalant the way JSD just doesn't even give you any idea the ticket was ever sent. What if the customer hadn't followed up with us and we missed their deadline? We check our error logs frequently to be sure we aren't missing important requests.

Thanks for you help on this. I would really like to figure out what is going on. I should mention I checked my companies email policies as well as tested sending the same email to an in-house address and had no issues. Doesn't mean there isn't a more deep rooted issue, but initially I see nothing wrong on my companies side. Figured I would start where I have control in Jira.



Jason Huntowski September 8, 2020


I should also mention I zipped up the files and sent them in at about 23 mb zipped and it went fine. I don't know if that matters at all.



Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 8, 2020

Hello @Jason Huntowski

Thank you for your detailed answer.

I completely agree with you that the application should display a detailed error message/logs when the attachment size exceeds the limit during the issue creation from email, especially to the customer sending the request. Today, only the generic error "mailbox is not found" is returned.

We created the following feature request to improve that behavior:

Provide a better error description when the attachment size is over the limit. 

Feel free to vote and watch the suggestion to increase its priority and also receive notifications about any updates.

About the issue you are facing, I believe we will need access to the attachment files and further log details (email header, background errors, etc) to keep troubleshooting the problem. 

That being said, please open an internal support ticket with our support team at the link below, adding the link to this community question so they can keep going from where we are now: 

About your question on topic 2, it's possible to configure an IMAP custom email for your Service desk project instead of using the default email provided by Jira SD. You can check the documentation below to know how you can do it:

Add a custom email account 

Please, let us know the answer from the support team as soon as they reach back to you with the solution.

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