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Managing Business Hours for Agents

Simone Lechte November 1, 2020

Hi Atlassian COmmunity,

Hoping someone can help point me in the right direction.

We have agents globally and I am wondering if there is a way to manage their business hours within the Service desk.

For example, an agent works part-time (4 days) per week and a client responds back on their day off. Is there any way to set up that the response is reassigned or an alert etc.

Thank you


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Walter Buggenhout
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November 1, 2020

Hi @Simone Lechte,

I think you need to look at this situation from both a process and a tooling perspective. It's important that your team sees tickets as a team responsibility rather than individual and the tool can support.

At our team, we handle this through workflow status. When we expect feedback from a customer, we make sure tickets are put in a waiting for customer status. Whenever a customer comments on such a ticket, we use automation rules to automatically update the ticket status to waiting for support.

In the agent view of our Service Desk, we have a queue showing all tickets in status waiting for support. And we expect our agents who are on active duty to work through those tickets whenever there's time to do so.

We use the service desk SLA system to keep track of what is most urgent. Sorting by time to resolution makes the most urgent tickets appear at the top of the list - regardless of who initially took up a ticket as assignee. 

Simone Lechte November 4, 2020

Hi Walter,

Thank you for your help.

We are currently migrating over to Jira service desk from another software and the automation of tickets is limited. 

I appreciate your time in providing this.


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