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Making only request types or issue types visible to some of our customers

Kimi Nakashima March 15, 2022

We have 2 different types of customers: Type A and Type B. Because they are different types of customers, they have different types of requests. On the customer portal, Type A customers shouldn't be able to see and/or enter in request types meant for Type B customers and vice versa. We are currently on Jira Service Management Data Center and use Extension for Jira Service Management to handle this. My dilemma is that I'm being asked about migrating from JSM DC to JSM cloud.

Extension has a cloud version but it does not have the same request type visibility option. I know that we could build separate projects on cloud for our different customer types, but in that case,  migrating to cloud is not worth the hassle of having to work out of multiple projects. 

Is there some other 3rd party app that will allow us to manage the visibility of request types on the customer portal in JSM cloud?

2 answers

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Deleted user November 14, 2022

You can make separate portal groups with your desired request types and remove permissions from whichever customers, so they don't see the portal groups with the undesired request types.


Nevermind, this is for seperate portals, not groups.

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Ste Wright
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March 20, 2022

Hi @Kimi Nakashima 

It's not natively available as far as I know - but there is a feature request for it; vote for JSDCLOUD-195 

Given your comment about multiple Projects (which was what I'd suggest) - I'd consider speaking to the vendor of the App and seeing if they are either...

  • planning to include this functionality in future or...
  • can recommend an alternative


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