Make field mandatory in view mode

April 12, 2023
After incident created, In view mode if we change the “Priority” field value the  custom field named “Work notes” should be mandatory or need to restrict  before updating the incident.
Is it possible in JSM  with OOTB feature ??

1 comment

John Funk
Community Leader
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April 12, 2023

Hi Guru,

No, this is not possible out of the box as you describe. The only add-on that I am aware of that could do that is ScriptRunner Behaviours app. 

However, you could add a Validator to a transition in your workflow (or multiple transitions) so that the field is required to transition the issue if the Priority field is a certain value. 

April 12, 2023

Hi @John Funk 

Can you give brief step-by-step explanation of how to achieve the above mentioned requirement using Validator(workflow) in JSM ??

John Funk
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 12, 2023

Sure - Create two transitions from the status A to status B where you want to check the field. Place a Condition on one of them where the Priority field = whatever value that will trigger the mandatory field. While there, add a Field Required Validator to that same transition that the Work notes field is required.

Next add a Condition on the other transition from A to B where the Priority field != to the value. 


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