The issue I am facing is that query fields originally included in a page address for directing a user to our support page are not included anymore when the user is first redirected to the login page. How can we achieve these query fields to be maintained when getting redirected to log on first?
webpage = https://mypage.attlassian.net/supportportal?customfield_0001=MyName
If the user was already logged on it will open the page and automatically populate customfield_0001 with "MyName".
When the user was not yet logged on then they are first redirected to the log on page, but after successfully logging on are redirected to https://mypage.attlassian.net/supportportal, with any of the additional customfield_0001=MyName information not being included.
Is there a way that the query fields are maintained when getting redirected for log-on first?
Kind regards,