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Locked field is preventing a form be created in a project

Tony Bomareto February 22, 2023

I have a basic project management project where I capture user stories and todo's. I want to create a form for entry but I get

"This form contains unsupported required fields, which will prevent respondents to submit critical information. Please contact your administrator to make these fields optional."

on the field "Category". 


This field is locked by Jira and cannot be modified. 

Since this is a required field that makes forms not possible. Is there a way around this?

2 answers

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Tony Bomareto February 23, 2023

I checked this today and it has resolved itself. I have no idea what I changed to make it work. 

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Trudy Claspill
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February 22, 2023

Hello @Tony Bomareto 

Welcome to the Atlassian community!

Can you confirm for us the type of project with which you are working? When you are viewing the project and look at the top of the navigation pane on the left, does it say Software or Service below the project name?

Screen Shot 2023-02-22 at 3.02.22 PM.png


Or do you see navigation options across the top of the screen like these (Summary, List, Board...)?

Screen Shot 2023-02-22 at 3.03.30 PM.png


Additionally, are you working with a Team Managed project or a Company Managed project? That will be shown at the bottom of the navigation pane on the left.

Tony Bomareto February 22, 2023

It is a Business Project that I am trying to create the form in. Yes, I do see the same navigation as you have pictured. 

Mary Henin March 17, 2023

hi there @Trudy Claspill wondering if you would be able to advise as I'm having the same issue as Tony. 

I'm also trying to add "category" field onto my forms as well to capture this info. 
The only way i can get this field to surface on the right hand side as an option to "drag field" into my form, is by making it a "required field" 

Also receiving the message
"This form contains unsupported required fields, which will prevent respondents to submit critical information. Please contact your administrator to make these fields optional."

When i preview the form, I get 
"Form is unavailable. This form is no longer active. Try contacting the owner of the form if you think this is a mistake."

To confirm, the project is in Jira Work Management  & is a Team Managed Software.

Could you please advise? 
Thank you in Advance

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