Limit assignee based on user group

Geoffrey Jonkers
April 23, 2024


In our company we use a JSM project for out IT support, this is based on 3 levels.
Each level has it's own status in the workflow

Example: Level1,Level2 and Level3. Where we have a transition between L1 and L2 called "Escalate to L2"

Now we want to limit the assignees on L1 to be only people who should work for L1 same for L2 and L3. 


  • level 1

    • admin a

    • admin b

    • etc

  • level 2

    • admin c

    • admin d

    • etc

I was wondering if someone has a use case for this or could bring me the golden tip. I was thinking of creating 3 user groups one for each level. And block access via these in the workflow status.

Kind Regards,



2 answers

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Josh Costella
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April 23, 2024

@Geoffrey Jonkers I would consider letting automation do the work for you. You can specify groups to choose from and even select different assigning methods. 

assign automation.png

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Charlie Misonne
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April 23, 2024

Hi Geoffrey,

I have seen similar questions multiple times in the past.

Here is an interesting one:

You could use a group picker field on your issues. Via the permission scheme you can limit the assignable users to that custom field.
Of course it will apply to all issues in your project.

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