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Labels used for software development teams

Deleted user September 12, 2022

Hi Everyone!  My partner and I are trying to implement better metrics for our software development teams and one of the many ways we want to do this is by using labels to better categorize work.  We want to follow industry standard and thought about using the labels: 

  • New: New Feature Development
  • Tech_Debt: Refactoring, something that needs to be fixed etc
  • Sustaining: Ongoing Support to products or systems
  • Production_Support: Unplanned work to resolve urgent issues 

I've included some definitions to help guide the convo here and totally understand components could work better for various reasons and understand labels are very case sensitive, etc. 

My question however is more so around TYPES of labels folks that support software development teams have used to bucket or categorize their work.  Could you let me know the different types of labels your team uses for software teams?  We want to keep them simple and no more than 5.  Would love to hear what other teams use!  thanks so much!


thank you!

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Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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September 12, 2022

@[deleted] -

It is great using "Labels" field to tag your issue, however there is one drawback using a field where there is no nomenclature format control on the values.  I would recommend that you should create a custom field (single or multiple options select list) where one can define the option values.  If you implement the custom field against your project(s), then the options values are defined/controlled for your users to select from.  It will make your metrix generation a lot simpler and concise.

We use options similar to what you have listed for your labels values.

Hope this helps.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Infrastructure Applications Team

Viasat Inc.

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