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Known Issue

Can Akkaya September 26, 2022

Issue description: Portal customers are unable to see the description field in the customer portal when tickets are moved across service desk projects by agents.

Atlassian confirmed that when the issues are moved from one project to another it usually causes the Request Type Mapping to break.

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Dave Mathijs
Community Leader
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September 26, 2022

Hi @Can Akkaya welcome to the Atlassian Community!

When moving an issue between service projects, the actor can map the issue to a request type of the target project.

Do you have a specific question?

Can Akkaya October 13, 2022

Dear Dave, thank you for your value feedback. We got it done as you mentioned and seemed to come in handy. But after creating a few Jira tickets n the same account then the issue had been repeated its self. So we have the same point.

Dave Mathijs
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 13, 2022

Is the Description field a required field in one project or the other? (in the field configuration)

Can Akkaya October 13, 2022

HI Dave


there is no reqired description field in one project  or the other?

Can Akkaya October 18, 2022

We still have the same issue for the same user? Is there any way to make user seting to factory reset?

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