Jira Service Management - MSoffice,pdf etc. and img files are not displayed

Ali Aydın
February 11, 2021


I need your help 

Today I upgraded 8.14 to 8.15 and switched to HTTPS
but I can no longer see the files I added.
when I want to see image files errors is ;

"Ouch! We can't load the image.


when I want to see office document, pdf, etc files errors are;

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Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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February 11, 2021

@Ali Aydın,

I see this if the files were removed from my file system and I try and access them. When you upgraded, how did you do it? Does everything else appear to be working fine? Is it all attachments, or just select ones?



Ali Aydın
February 11, 2021

After uploading files, I cannot access them again. It is the same if I created ticket on the portal and application. I made the upgrade by downloading the new package. The interesting thing is that the place where the file is located appears as secure / attachment in the url, but I couldn't find such a folder

Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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February 11, 2021

@Ali Aydın, that's not how the attachments are packaged on the backend. They are located in the directory <jira-home> /data/attachments. Are you saying that you've tried to upload new attachments and after you upload a new attachment you can't access it?



Ali Aydın
February 11, 2021

After adding a new attachment, I cannot access it and it happened after the upgrade. Do you have any suggestions for solving this problem? If not, I will necessarily downgrade it.

Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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February 11, 2021

@Ali Aydın

I don't see any bugs logged with Atlassian indicating that this is an issue. You've either found a critical bug, or something went wrong with the upgrade itself.

If you can upload, but not download, can you validate that the files are actually making it into the expected file location?

You can use this guide to figure out where the attachments should be.

Also, did you perform a test upgrade? If so, did you see these issues there as well?



Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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February 12, 2021

@Ali Aydın, just to follow up with you on this, another user just asked the same question as you in the same circumstance. I would alert Atlassian to this issue right away using a support request. For an immediate fix, it might make sense to try downgrading.

Ali Aydın
February 12, 2021

Thank you Kian

Ali Aydın
February 13, 2021

Hi @Kian Stack Mumo Systems 

I think they solved this problem in the Cloud version?

When they solved in the Server version? Do you have any idea?


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