Jira Service Management Delete Project

Steven Allcock July 6, 2021

I have a standard Jira Service Management cloud instance and last week we accidentally deleted the instance.

With Jira software when you delete a project it goes into trash/archive but this doesn't seem to be available with JSM. Am I missing something?

Does anyone know if this is a constraint of the package or just something that doesn't exist? We ended up rebuilding what we had done but lost historical data and we couldn't wait for a response from support to see if it could be restored. 

Maybe this is on a backlog as a feature request?


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Dan Brockwell
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 7, 2021

Hey Steven! My name is Dan; I'm an Associate Product Manager for Jira Service Management.

Sorry to hear about your experience; that would be pretty frustrating I'm sure.

We've definitely heard similar feedback from customers and we're now starting on the initial technical and design exploration in building this feature.

You can follow the feature request ticket here to stay updated: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSDCLOUD-9308

Steven Allcock July 7, 2021

Thanks Dan, thats great to hear as its something we have added as a risk of use.

Hopefully you'll solve this risk soon! 

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