Jira Project - no ability to assign a workflow

James Ross June 12, 2023

When creating a new project in Jira Cloud, there is no "workflows" button listed under "Project settings" tab. Other legacy projects do have this button displayed.


Has something changed in the latest cloud releases ?

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John Funk
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June 12, 2023

Hi James,

Can you provide some more specifics? What type of project are you creating? Where are you expecting to see the workflows button? Screenshots always help, also. 

James Ross June 12, 2023

Hi John.

Here is what I see on an existing project, under Project Settings.


Here is what I see when I create a new project, under Project Settings


In particular, it is missing the ability to assign an existing workflow to a new project.

John Funk
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June 12, 2023

Is this a Team-managed project? Or Company-managed project? 

James Ross June 12, 2023

New one is team, old one is company. I guess I need to make the new one a company managed ?

John Funk
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June 12, 2023

That is up to you, but they definitely  work different. 

For Team-managed click on Issue Types first then select Edit Workflow. 

James Ross June 12, 2023

Thanks for that - hitting the "show more" button under project creation revealed the company-managed option, & then also being able to make it look like an existing project.

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Joseph Chung Yin
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June 13, 2023

@James Ross -

Here is the comparison reference for your information - https://support.atlassian.com/jira-work-management/docs/what-are-team-managed-and-company-managed-projects/

From my experience, the one drawback for Team Managed project type is that any customization done within the project is not sharable with other projects.  I know that Atlassian is currently working on the functionality to share Team Managed project's customizations with other projects.  However, I have not got any update on the progress.

This means that if you need to implement common changes to your JSM projects, then you will have to customize each Team Managed project individually to accomplish the task.

Hope this give you the needed information to go forward on your decision making process.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Technology Applications Team

Viasat Inc.

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Joseph Chung Yin
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June 12, 2023

@James Ross -

I agreed with @John Funk suggestion.  Please note that if your JSM project is "Team Managed", then you will not see the "Workflows" under the Project settings pane directly 

To change WF for Team Managed project - Go to Project settings >> Request types.  From there select your desired request type, then click on "Edit workflow"


It is my understanding that only Company managed project(s), you will see "Workflows" directly in the Project settings pane.

Lastly, here is the Atlassian's reference page on WFs for Team Managed project(s) - https://support.atlassian.com/jira-software-cloud/docs/manage-how-work-flows-in-your-team-managed-project/

https://support.atlassian.com/jira-work-management/docs/how-to-create-workflows-for-team-managed-projects/  Where you will need to access "Issue Types" to get into WF setup.

Hope this helps.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Technology Applications Team

Viasat Inc.

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