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Jira Notification Bot w/ Slack Channel

Harrica Rion October 4, 2022

Hi Atlassian Community, hope you well..


I Have some questions about Jira Bot Notif on Slack Channel.

Right now we use Slack for Jira Project Bot Notif to inform us if there any tickets issue.

But, People's on Slack Channel and Jira Project are different. and Our Head limit which person can be on the Project on Jira.

Our head want to make sure all people's on channel know we have this kind issue. but, the one that can handle the issue only the People's on the Project.

and the problem is, sometimes reporter create issue ticket and they forgot to write on the description, and people's on channel doesn't know what kind of issue is it.

What my questions is : 

1. Is it possible that people's on slack channel can look the issue on the Attachment Form ?

6BD4576A-637B-4073-AB52-3B28738EEC82_4_5005_c.jpeg2. If is possible, how to add Attachment Form on the Jira bot Notif Slack Channel?


Thank you


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Daniel Eads
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 4, 2022

Hi @Harrica Rion ,

Unfortunately the Slack bot won't show Jira attachments inside Slack. In order for people to see the attachments in Jira, they will either need to:

  1. Click through to the issue in Jira (and be licensed Jira users)
  2. Be added as participants to the issue and view the issue through JSM's customer support portal

I hope that answers your question clearly!


Harrica Rion October 5, 2022

Hi Daniel ,

Thank you for reaching me out.

Well noted Daniel, thank you for your info

let me check with my boss about this.


Thank you

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