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Jira Insight Objects based on another attribute

Wim Abts September 21, 2021

I have an ObjectType called 'CustomerModule' that contains the following attributes:

  • "Installed Product"  Type: Object / Type Value: Another Object called "CustomerProduct"
  • "Installed Module" Type; Object / Type Value: Another object called "ApplicationModule"

Both "CustomerProduct" and "ApplicationModule" contain an attribute called "Base Product" both linked to an objecttype "Product".

I want now when a "Installed Product" is selected, only to show "Modules" that have the same "Base Product" as the selected "CustomerProduct" .

So far I tried the following objects filter on the "Installed Module" attribute, without luck:

"Base Product" = ${Installed Product.Base Product} -> no values presented

"Base Product" like ${Installed Product.Base Product} -> all values are presented

2 answers

0 votes
Wim Abts October 5, 2021


0 votes
Wim Abts September 23, 2021

@Charlotte Nicolaou 
Can you help me with this?

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