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JSM with Slack and MS Teams

Dhruv Singhal
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February 22, 2023

This is the setup I would like:

JSM instance: One site i.e. one URL

This instance will have multiple projects. Each project will be unique to a client

Each project will be connected to either Slack or MS Teams for conversational ticketing

But based on this: A Jira site can only connect to one Slack workspace or Microsoft Teams tenant. it seems like my setup is not possible

Any thoughts on how can I achieve this?

Using halp is expensive as you need separate Halp licenses for Slack and MS Teams and the costs add up quickly

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Marini Marini
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February 23, 2023

Hi @Dhruv Singhal 

I believe you are referring to this page What is chat? for that limitation. For your information, Jira Chat is actually powered by Halp/Atlassian Assist. Any paid JSM-enabled Halp queues will not be charged on your Halp bill. This means if you have a Paid JSM instance, you will not be charged for using Halp as long as you connect your Halp queue to that paid JSM instance project/queue.

Off course this does not change the limitation mentioned in What is chat. However, I do have a question. Why do you need a separate JSM project for each of your clients? A single JSM project is able to handle customers from different organizations and with the Customer Permission setting, you can ensure that a customer can only engage with others from the same organization only. The only limitation is that we cannot hide certain Request Types/Request Groups only for certain Organizations. All customers from all organizations will see the same set of Service Catalogue (Request Types and Request Groups).

Thank you,


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