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JSM Project invite config

gregory_wallace January 7, 2024

Hello All,

I'm frustrated because i'm learning cloud and most of my exoerience is in DC. Can someone please tell me step by step how to find project invite information in JSM? I need to be able to go to ABC project in JSM and then see what configured. Then, i need tobe able to see how those project invites consume licenses. 

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Rilwan Ahmed
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January 7, 2024

Hi @gregory_wallace ,

If you are adding users under "Invite Team", then a license is consumed. It is actually adding a agent to your project. 

To add customers or Organization, go to Customers in the project left side bar and add them


To know who are part of your Project's agent list (licensed users), then  go to project settings --> People

gregory_wallace January 9, 2024

@Rilwan Ahmed 

Thank you for you help. I appreciate it.

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Jack Brickey
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January 7, 2024

Hi @gregory_wallace , I'm not quite following. Going to your last question, Customers are free and agents are paid licenses. The way that you invite Customers via the Customers screen. Agents are added via the Invite team screen. You ask about seeing what is configured in a project, can you elaborate? Project configuration is under Project settings.

gregory_wallace January 9, 2024

@Jack Brickey Thanks for the feed back! I got the infomation that i need for you and another another comment!

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