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JMWE Scheduled actions not executing - no errors

Jennifer Marple July 26, 2024

I have several JMWE scheduled actions that just seem to stop running. One, for example, is currently set to run at 40 minutes past each hour, and transitions items that match the JQL to a resolved status. 

When I look up the Action ID in the logs, I can see this running yesterday, through 16:40 ET, and not since. No errors or anything else, just no more runs - though there are currently 30 items that match the JQL when I go in to "edit" mode on the scheduled action.

This has happened several times now this month. I'll manually run the actions, then they seem to work for a little while, but then stop. Yesterday, I manually ran the action at 6:50 am, it ran hourly through the 16:40 run, and then stopped, hasn't run since.

I don't think the project's "business hours" would be affecting this, as it should already have had 3 hits this morning if that were the problem.

Any thoughts as to what can cause this?

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