Issue when creating new board and link multiple projects

Lorenzo Cancelli February 26, 2024

Dear community

I am trying to create a single kanban board for multiple projects.

Problem encountered: I can't link all the projects present as per the screen below

1) All existing projects (attach 1)

2) Kanban creation (attach 2)

as you can see in the attach 2, only 3 project can be linked inside the new Board.

Is there any setting needed to update on the other projects?

I'm the admin of all the projects you can find in attach 1

thanks for your help


Attach 1.pngAttach 2.png

2 answers

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John Funk
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February 26, 2024

Hi Lorenzo,

Don't get confused that projects not showing in the Location field for the board means that the projects cannot be "linked". By linked I assume you mean that you want issues from those projects to appear on the board. That is based on the filter the board uses, not the Location field. 

So, if you create a board filter like: Project in (ABC, DEF, 334, 123) then issues from all of those projects will show on the board regardless of whether those projects show in the Location field. 

Lorenzo Cancelli March 6, 2024

Hi John.

Thanks for your help

I solved by creating a filter as you pointed out and was able to create the board from the saved filter.
I created a new scrum board.

How can I now split the backlog display between projects?

Also, I wanted to ask you: if I drag all the tickets into the sprint, how can I distinguish them from which project they come from?

thanks a lot


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John Funk
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March 6, 2024

The issue key of the story will be the indicator for which project they came from. You can add a Quick Filter to the board also to specify the project if you like. 

That is what you will need to do for the Backlog to "split" the display. 

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Lorenzo Cancelli March 7, 2024

Hi John

sorry to recover this conversation but I have an issue inside the New board created with filter like Project in (ABC, DEF, 334, 123)

Kindly follow these details:

- In the project ABC I've created a Scrum board with filter Project in (ABC, DEF, 334, 123)

- In the project ABC, in the new Scrum board above, I've started a new sprint with all the tickets in Projects (ABC, DEF, 334, 123)

- In the ABC project, in the new scrum board, the tickets of project 334 are correctly into the sprint

Issue: The tickets of project 334 (which are in the sprint of the new scrum board inside ABC), inside the single project 334 are, however, placed in backlog

My goal is to have the ticket in the single sprint of project 334 (and not in backlog) but also be in the sprint within the new scrum board created with the filter

do you have any advice for that?

thanks a lot for your support


John Funk
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March 22, 2024

Not completely following the scenario, but basically, an issue will show on the associated board based on which status the issue is in. So when the 334 issue moves out of the statuses associated with Backlog in that screen, they will move on the screen also. 

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Bryan Trummer - ReleaseTEAM
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February 26, 2024

Hi Lorenzo,

You may want to verify that those projects that are not showing up are not Team Managed projects.

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