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Issue is not getting created when mail are sent with email-id outside organization such as gmail

Sunil Sagar September 30, 2022

When I am sending email (from the same organization) to Jira email account a new issue is getting created. But when I am doing same with my gmail id . It is getting failed in Log. 

Please advise if I have to do any white-listing. Thanks

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Paul Wiggers
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September 30, 2022

Hello @Sunil Sagar 

It looks like you have your instance setup to allow only internal customers to create an issue. If you want to allow external users to create issues, you need to change the permissions accordingly.

Fortunately, this is quite easy to do.

  1. Go to your project settings > Customer Permissions. Make sure that you have selected "Anyone allowed on the customer access setting" under the "Service Project Access"

  2. Next, follow the link "change customer access settings"
  3. Allow External users to create accounts by sending an e-mail request, see the below screenshot:

    Screen Shot 2022-09-30 at 22.25.02.png

  4. Save the settings and give it another shot. It should now work as intended.

Good luck! Please let me know if you have any more questions.

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