Issue facing by using lookup issues

Mansi Mehta
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May 26, 2024

I am facing the below error while creating an automation.
Screenshot 2024-05-27 004250.png
I want to share all open issues list with our whole team. I have tried the filter subscription option also. But I want the list in a specific tabular format. Please suggest any plug-in options also if you have.

2 answers

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John Funk
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May 27, 2024

Hi Mansi - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

I think the basic problem is that there are cases where the Assignee field is empty. So the way we solved that before is to create an IF/ELSE for each scenario - Assignee is empty and Assignee is not empty. Put the current Send Email under the one where Assignee is not empty. Then copy that and put the copy under the Assignee is empty, but edit it take out the Assignee from the To: of the email. 

That should solve it for you. 

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Rudy Holtkamp
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May 26, 2024

Hi @Mansi Mehta & welcome to the community,

If you look on the right you'll see 7 MM tickets being processed. So your automation does select (a few) issues. The problem is that it can't send all emails, because you send them to the assignee and not all issues have an assignee are set. So you either need to send the email to specific users. You can type one or more email addresses in the send email action or you need to add a condition in front of the sending of the email, which skips issues with empty assignees.

To be more helpful you might need to show us the rule details of your automation


Mansi Mehta
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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May 26, 2024

Hello @Rudy Holtkamp 
I have selected reporters as a field before, but it showed the same error.
Please find the below snips for rule details:



Rudy Holtkamp
Community Leader
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May 27, 2024

Hi @Mansi Mehta ,

I see that you have the assignee & reporter in the send list. If I look at your primary question you want to send a list to the whole team. So I suggest that you replace the reporter and assignee to email addresses of your team. 

Then all team mates will receive the list of unresolved issues, regardless if they are the reporter/assignee.


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