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Is there any way to add fields to the list of requests at servicedesk portal ?

Ville Manner
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August 5, 2022

Hello experts 
My use case is as follows:
I´m sharing issues with customer through servicedesk portal.
There is just too much todo for our team, to handle all at once and and obviously there are priority differences from the customer as well. So we need to agree with the customer of priorities. So far so good , we have the issues on kanban board and drag the most prioritized to the top and least to bottom. "Rank" is updated that way. 
Works well for agents or developers,
How can I communicate to the customer the agreed priority and even the estimated effort to that issue ?
I can only think of adding the rank and original estimate to the Requests view in portal.

Is that anyhow possible  ? if so, how ?  see image below

"Updated date" -column is nice to know, but rank determines the working order.

2022-08-05 17_22_31-Requests - Jira Service Management — Mozilla Firefox.png

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Georgi Gachev
Rising Star
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Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
August 5, 2022

Hi @Ville Manner

You need to use an addon for something like that. You can check this one that we developed that should cover your needs:


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