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Is there a way I can set up automation rule to run in a sequential order?

Madhumita Katta
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August 16, 2022

I have these 2 automation rules

Rule 1: Send email to customers when a new public comment is added. 

Rule 2: Update comment visibility to Internal only based on the "internal" tag on the comment. 

I do not see a way to order the automation rules so that Rule 2 always runs before Rule 1. 

Is that possible to do?

If Jira send the email before the comment can be set to Internal Only then the whole purpose of Rule 2 is void. 

3 answers

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Mark Segall
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August 16, 2022

Hi @Madhumita Katta - Perhaps you can consolidate the two rules into 1?  I don't have the specifics of your two rules, but perhaps something like this?

  • TRIGGER: Issue Commented
  • IF CONDITION: Your internal tag condition
    • Action: Update Comment visibility
    • Action: Send Email
0 votes
Mikael Sandberg
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August 16, 2022

It is possible if you make your second rule to trigger on an incoming webhook, you can then trigger the second  rule from the first one using a web request.

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Carlos Faddul
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August 16, 2022

@Madhumita Katta you can use two ways to sequence the automations:

  • The first: using Actions of send webrequest / incoming webrequest
  • The second: using a custom field to trigger (in the first automation you can flagged the automation to set a specific value, then in the second automation, you can trigger the automation basead on value change)


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