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Is there a way I can create a dynamic filter that pulls up all requests ever submitted per customer?

JayJuan Jones February 4, 2022


I am looking to create a filter that will pull up all requests ever created per customer. When I go to my customer list, I see a hyperlink that takes me to the search page with an encoded string for the there a way I can get this to work for all reporters?

Here is my query string:

reporter = qm:f64841d3-9dd9-4d47-b4c9-4aa723459311:20ea8c26-a9ea-4668-8eb0-74276fca65d1 AND project = 10002 AND resolution is not EMPTY AND "Request Type" is not EMPTY

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Carla Ann Rowland
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February 4, 2022

If you have Project Manager permissions In the Service Management report there is a built in report for submissions by customer. I believe it is the same for Server and Cloud if it is not I will amend my answer.

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