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Is there a limit on number of search results from Service Desk customer portal for request forms?

Braj Raj Singh
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September 27, 2022

We have a service desk with customer portal. We have many forms(request types) which are grouped depending on the type of support request(usually 8-10 form for each support type). We use "Request type description" to tag each request type to the type of support request. When we are searching the portal using tag of type of support request, only 5 forms are returned in search result. Is there a way to change this so that all the associated form are returned in search result ?

2 answers

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Dave Mathijs
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September 27, 2022

Hi @Braj Raj Singh welcome to the Atlassian Community!

  1. Help seekers can look at more than 3 results, they can view up to 30 results for a search query in the help center.
  2. Help seekers can also apply filters to narrow down the 30 results.
  3. Agents can also view more than 3 results in the KB section within the issue view. 

You can setup article suggestions in portal request forms as well.

Braj Raj Singh
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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September 29, 2022

Hi @Dave Mathijs , thanks for help but I missed to explain the query correctly. So below is my reattempt. 

Search result.jpg

As shown in above pic, when I search 'data services' in the search bar of my Service Center, I only get 5 forms out of 9 forms that are with tag 'data services'.
How can I get all the forms (in this case all the 9 forms) ?

Dave Mathijs
Community Leader
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October 18, 2022

Hi @Braj Raj Singh , thanks for elaborating. Unfortunately, I cannot find any solution in the documentation. There is no mention of increasing the number of search results for request types.

See this documentation page: What can I do to help customers find the right request type?

0 votes
Oto Machaladze November 24, 2023

Hi @Braj Raj Singh ,

Within the app, Better Search in Customer Portal 

you can give ability to customers on customer portal to search unlimited request types.

for more information reach out the article:

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