Is it possible to show SLAs to users on the customer portal regarding their tickets?

Gustavo Cardoso Ferreira November 21, 2022

I´m trying to show users SLA regarding their tickets on the customer portal, so users know how long it would take to resolve their issues.

Is it possible?

I´ve seen a screenshot that shows exactly what I need:MicrosoftTeams-image (10).png


3 answers

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Laurens Coppens
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November 21, 2022

Hi @Gustavo Cardoso Ferreira ,


This is not possible out of the box.

You can use the extension app from Diviniti to accomplish this.

Another way how we solve this is with an automation rule that does a comment of the SLA Goal on the ticket.

This is ofcourse the goal and not a real time counter.


Kind regards,


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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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November 21, 2022

Hi @Gustavo Cardoso Ferreira 

You are looking the whole SLA thing quite wrong in my opinion. The service level agreement doesn't show how long it will take for a request/incident/whatever to be resolved, but it show what the agreement is in the first place (and not only to resolve the issue, but to respond as well, to reproduce it etc etc).

Having said, the native functionalities of jira cloud do not offer that. SLAs are strictly for the agents. There is currently an issue under review, - which you can watch and vote - to allow SLAs to be visible to the customer portal.

If you don't want to wait for the above issue to be implemented, then this app can do what you want

Gustavo Cardoso Ferreira November 21, 2022

Hi Alex, I understand the usage of the SLA, the whole idea was to show the users how much time the agents still have to resolve the issues.

But thanks anyway, I'll vote on the issue!

Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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November 21, 2022

Yup, you do that!

1 vote
Denitsa Stefanova
November 21, 2022

Hi @Gustavo Cardoso Ferreira

As stated earlier, this functionality is not possible out of the box. However, you can try the app we created, called Advanced Portal Reports - it will give you the possibility to show the SLAs and many other fields that you choose to the single request view, and besides that it also includes a report that you can show to your customers with the fields you need.


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