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Is it possible to load an excel workbook with multiple tabs into eazyBI?

Hayley Wood
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August 24, 2021

I have an excel workbook with multiple tabs that I want to load into my eazyBI cube - but it is only picking up the first tab of data - is it possible to load a workbook with multiple tabs and if so, how do I get it to recognise the additional tabs of data?

Or does each tab of data need to be loaded as its own data source?

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August 24, 2021

Hello @Hayley Wood 

Welcome to the Atlassian community!!!

Based on my experience, you would need separate files for each tab of data, though you can add all of that into the same cube.

The eazyBI documentation does not specifically say anything about uploading data from different tabs of an excel workbook. The documentation can be referenced here.

Also, if it is critical for you to have the tabs and upload them from a single file, you can raise a query with the vendor and check with them. You can reach out to them via the 'Contact eazyBI support' link through your subscription or email them @

Kindly accept the answer if this helps you resolve the concern.

Janis Plume _eazyBI_
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August 30, 2021

Hi, @Hayley Wood 


Right, it is possible to import one sheet of the Excel file only.

We updated the documentation page to mention that explicitly.



Janis, eazyBI support.

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