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Is is possible to export an excel report for a full details without selecting a date?

Mela July 11, 2022

Jira can export the full details of tickets once you select the date.

Is it possible to export all tickets with full details?

Like this in the image, but overall tickets without selecting a date? I mean overall ticket?

Report 1.JPG


And not this, 

Report 2.JPG


1 answer

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Levente Szabo _Midori_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
July 11, 2022


Have you tried exporting from Issue Navigator (Advanced issue search)? If you collect the issues (JSM tickets) there and set the column you want to export, I think you can get the output you want.

Jira Cloud should be able to give you a static Excel file. That's often not enough for users, so for professional, consistent, and customizable reports you can try an Excel exporter app like Better Excel Exporter for Jira Cloud.


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