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Internal and external clients create tickets in my project

Pedro Marca Huamancha January 4, 2024

Hello Community,


I have a project called "Monitoring" in Jira Service Managemnet with a template type IT Service Management.

I need my internal and external clients to be able to generate a ticket, what option or configuration should I make, where tickets will be generated and displayed.

4-01-2024 12-12-24.png


1 answer

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Kris Dewachter
Community Leader
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January 4, 2024

Hi @Pedro Marca Huamancha ,

I suggest you setup a Service Management portal and project where your internal and external clients can create tickets. I presume they don't need access to the Jira backoffice to handle tickets, and it will be sufficient for them to follow-up on their tickets in the portal.

Regarding access to the portal, this depends on the kind of users. I presume the internal users are known. How about external users ? Are they also known or is anyone on the www able to create a ticket ?

For more information on portal access, have a look here


Best regards,


Pedro Marca Huamancha January 4, 2024

Hello @Kris Dewachter 

In the "IT Service Management" project template, is it possible for my external and internal clients to generate tickets through a portal?

4-01-2024 16-17-53.png

Best regards,

Kris Dewachter
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
January 5, 2024

Hi @Pedro Marca Huamancha ,

The different templates do not define the access settings. They only contain some examples of request types, issue types, workflows, etc ....

So yes, you can setup internal and external access for any selected template.

Best regards,


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