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Integration of Jira Service Mgnt and oder Jira Projects

Stefan Stoller
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June 18, 2024

I want to use Jira Service Mgnt as a support ticket system. My development also uses Jira. I was under the impression that the integration of two Jira projects should be seamless, but I'm currently having a problem with the basic implementation. If I want to create a ticket for my developers from a customer ticket, I don't want to move the customer ticket to another Jira project because customer communication should continue to go through support. What would be the ideal approach here?

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Rising Star
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June 18, 2024

Hello Stefan

I see two ways of handling this situation

1. Clone the support issue into the Software Project

This will copy the information from the support ticket into the development project, and create a clear relationship between the two. Then, internal development can be handled in the software project and customer facing communication can happen in the service management project. You could even create some automations that automate copies certain updates from one project to another. 

2. Handle the development in the Service Project

Here, you would have your developers work on whatever development is related to the support issue in the service project, likely utilizing internal comments and non-customer facing fields. You will find there are less features around development in the service project, so depending on what features your team uses this may not work.

Best regards,

Christian Veselovsky 

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