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Insight object schema export from dev, import to production: external object reference fields fail

Sal G February 21, 2020

I have a development Jira site with three different Insight object schemas. Schema A has object attributes that are references to object in schemas B and C.

I exported and imported into production site the schemas B and C with no issues.  However, when I migrated schema A, with object references to the other two, the attribute fields to B and C were removed. 

The log file shows "Mismatch between object type attributes and headers in CSV file for object type ...."

The lost attributes are shown in the header list but not in the ObjectTypeAttributeBean list (example: ObjectTypeAttributeBean [id=109, name=Name, type=DEFAULT],). So the export from development was successful.

Object schemas B and C match on both systems, except B has a different key on each system. But C was stripped out too so I'm thinking that's not the cause.

Any suggestions for my next step? - Thanks


The headers in yellow are the reference fields to other schemas.


2 answers

0 votes
Gia Jgarkava _Twinit_ October 26, 2022

@Sal G @Brian Hello.

Have noticed your discussion and just in case you have already migrated to Cloud since this thread, there is an Insight (already Assets) backup/restore app, which has a feature of restoring backed up schemas to another cloud instance - Insight Assets Backup.

You can find more information on the  plugin documentation page. Please let me know if you have questions and/or need more information.

Best regards,


0 votes
Brian December 17, 2020

Did you ever solve this problem? 
I'm hitting it myself now. 

Schema A attribute refers to object in Schema B. 
Schema B is exported from source instance, exisiting Schema B dropped in new instance and then schema B imported in new instance. 

Schema A does not yet exist in new instance so it should just be imported, now that schema B is present and looks like the one on the other instance where both schemas A/B exists. 

Import fails to import Schema A after it's excported from source instance. 
It fails with the errors shown in this ticket. 
As well as some "Unable to store object type attribute ObjectTypeAttributeBean [id=null, name="""name of the refered to object attribute""" ...  just orior to the import zip file contents being analyzed according to the logfile.
and thne the message mentioned in this ticket: 
"Mismatch between object type attributes and headers in CSV file for object type ...."

How do I proceeed?
What did you do to solve? 

Sal G December 17, 2020

It hasn't been resolved as far as I know. Here's another thread that has a little more current information.


I ended up recreating the schema and importing my assets via the mapping function. I cleaned things up a bit but it was certainly not the most efficient way to go about the migration.

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